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Some details about my past projects…

TPXimpact (formerly FutureGov) London | 01.20 - Current
Design Lead at a digital transformation and service design consultancy

TPXimpact is a change agency, supporting organizations with digital transformation, service design, and community development, building on the best of places

GIZ Tunis | 2022-2023
Led a 9-month HCD program upskilling members of the Tunisian financial inclusion public and private sector through the direct and continuous engagement of their end users, this alongside a team of local Tunisian designers. User Research, Participatory Design, Concept Evaluation, Prototyping, Design Education, Agile Coach

Topol Digital Fellowship program for Health Education England | 2022-2023
Design lead and educator who refined and ran the User Centred Design workshop training for about 20 senior leaders working across NHS England. Curriculum Design, Design Education, Agile Coach, Workshop Facilitation

3rd sector client to support people at gambling harms (GambleAware) | 2021
Led community research (with South Asian Muslim and Black Women across Britain) to inform the data required to start populating an “Inequalities Framework” that aims to support commissioning bodies with making informed decisions about the services required by more diverse communities across the UK. Community Research, Ethnographic Research, Inequalities Framework, Design Education

3rd sector client to support unhoused people in the UK (Crisis) | 2021
Design lead supporting the Transformation Manager in the development of a new operating model for their frontline services and the strengthening of HCD and agile capabilities across the organization. User Research, Digital Strategy, Org & Change support, Design Education, Agile Coach

Bloomberg Philanthropies Mayoral Design Challenge | 2021 Design coach for the City of Paris’ Youth Climate Academy to help them test service elements including their governance structure, educational offering, and how to establish inclusive spaces. User Research, Concept Evaluation, Design Education, Workshop Facilitation, Agile Coach

U.K. Department for Education (DfE) | 2021
Design lead across three projects for the team responsible for supporting international teachers at the DfE post-Brexit. This required working in collaboration with the policy and marketing teams. User Research, Concept Evaluation, Design Education, Workshop Facilitation, Agile Coach

Bloomberg Philanthropies Digital Innovation Project | 2020-2021 Design lead in digital transformation across two European cities while working as a blended client team to upskill civil servants in service design. We reshaped and digitised the change of address process in Sofia and the payment of housing tax in Bratislava. User Research, Concept Evaluation, Design Education, Workshop Facilitation, Agile Coach

Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Gov. (MHCLG) in the UK | 2020
Design lead working across two local authorities, the London Office of Technology and Innovation (LOTI), the Greater London Authority (GLA), the voluntary and community sector, and data experts to co-design a solution allowing municipalities and the voluntary and community sectors to gather and share their qualitative and quantitative data. Research with Users, Evaluation of Concepts, Workshop Facilitation

GIZ South Africa | 2020
Designed and facilitated a 2 day remote workshop for AI experts across South Africa. Design education, Workshop Facilitation

Trafford Council in Northern England | 2020
Design lead on a post-pandemic strategic review followed by a phase two where we worked with residents, users of these services, to improve social protection services for children in Trafford. User Research, Concept Evaluation, Workshop Facilitation, Design Education, Agile Coach

Camden Council in London | 2020
Design lead in supporting the development of a CRM platform the first 12 weeks of the pandemic to help Camden Council assist their most vulnerable residents. User Research, Concept evaluation, Workshop Facilitation, Agile Coach

Other responsibilities included

  • Part of the design leadership team and strategic partner to the Head of Design Research

  • Coaching and mentoring of designers

  • Support recruitment of new talent

  • Business development in the public and third sectors with an emphasis on our more international work

Blog posts and case studies while at TPXimpact

In home interview in Greece reviewing a respondent’s children’s national health books

In home interview in Greece reviewing a respondent’s children’s national health books


Institut d’études politiques (I.E.P.) de Paris (Sciences-Po) Master in Management of Media and Culture with a specialty in the Film & TV Industry

Tufts University Bachelor of Arts in International Relations with a specialty in Identity and Culture | Minor: Mass Communication and Media

Other Skills and Experience

  • 6 years of professional experience financing, selling, producing, and distributing feature films and documentaries in the United States and France

  • Native French speaker and native English speaker (French and American passports), fluent/conversational Spanish

  • Rode a bicycle from Brooklyn to San Francisco in 2011

McKinsey & Company (formerly Veryday) New York | 08.15 - 01.20
Associate Design Director at a management consultancy

Global Pharmaceutical Company | 2019
Design lead on a chronic kidney disease project where we set up an “innovation garage” to teach HCD and agile ways of working to 40 members of the client team. User Research, CX Strategy, Workshop Facilitation, Design Education, Agile Coach

Global Pharmaceutical Company | 2019
Design lead to develop a physical product in the vaccine education space in collaboration with global and regional client teams across Belgium and Germany User Research, Concept Evaluation, Implementation, Service Design, CX Strategy, Design Education, Agile Coach

Global Pharmaceutical Company | 2018
Design research lead where ethnographic research was held across the UK, Greece and Germany to better understand parents’ views towards childhood vaccines. User Research, Concept Evaluation, Service Design, CX Strategy, Workshop Facilitation

International Development Agency | 2018
Project lead and HCD coach to a team of 12 Nigerian health strategy consultants new to the methodology. Led research and design activities across three states in North-Western Nigeria on a project around maternal and newborn health. User Research, CX Strategy, Workshop Facilitation, Design Education

Global Pharmaceutical Company| 2017
Design research lead on a digital transformation program in the reproductive health space in France. User Research (Quant/Qual), Service Design, CX Strategy, Workshop Facilitation

National Health Insurance Co-operative (Social Enterprise) | 2017 Design research lead on a digital transformation program in Singapore. User Research, Service Design, Digital Strategy

Educational Partner of the U.A.E. | 2017
Design researcher on a program considering the future of education in Abu Dhabi. User Research, Digital Strategy

Medical Devices Company | 2017
Ethnographic research and strategy for a new product category of hearing aids. Ethnographic Research, CX Strategy

Global Pharmaceutical Company | 2016 Design strategist on a program around new products and services for pain management. Service Design, CX Strategy, Workshop Facilitation

Global Pharmaceutical Company | 2015-2016 Design researcher on multiple customer experience transformation programs (Oncology, Autoimmune diseases, Alzheimer’s). User Research, Service Design, CX Strategy, Workshop Facilitation

Other responsibilities included

  • Mentoring team members around design research

  • Support recruitment of new talent

  • A frequent contributor to thought leadership pieces

  • Actively work on proposals and capability-building efforts around design, design in global public health, customer experience in healthcare, and data and design work

Design Community Participation while at McKinsey & Company

  • Design expert and facilitator at the McKinsey Nigeria Healthcare Summit around Data, Design, and Digital (May 2019)

  • Spoke about “Data + Design” both internally at McKinsey but also co-led a workshop at IXDA Seattle 2019

  • Facilitated a workshop “Design Research 101” for the McKinsey Cube team (May 2019)

Motivate Design | New York | 10.13 – 8.15
Senior Design Researcher at an experience design agency

Planned Parenthood Federations of America, Inc. | 2015
Design researcher and strategist on a digital program providing tele-health maternal and newborn health services to users across the United States. User Research, UX Strategy, HCD education

Global Pharmaceutical Company | 2014-2015
Design lead and researcher for a medication adherence monitoring system in the mental health space. User Research, Digital Strategy, Workshop Facilitation

Financial Advisory Services | 2014
Responsible for design research on a US based project aimed at improving the digital experience of users seeking AI generated financial services. User research, UX strategy

More general functions across projects included

  • Developed and presented user insights & opportunity areas to clients through such deliverables as research finding reports and top-lines, personas, journey maps and video deliverables

  • Designed and carried out design research at all levels from strategy to implementation for B2C clients in pharma and financial services, insurance and publishing industries (ethnography, IDI, online diaries, focus groups, expert reviews, concept testing with paper prototypes, usability testing with simulators, co-creation workshops)

  • Translated UX research findings into an actionable strategy to advise designers in the direction of prototypes and user interfaces, features, and user scenarios for digital systems and projects

  • Produced and co-moderated client workshops with experts and/or internal stakeholders.

  • Taught design thinking workshops for internal client teams and within the design community

Pernod Ricard (B.I.G) | Paris-New York | 04.13 – 7.15 Ethnographic Researcher at an in-house innovation team

Freelance Researcher producing New York trend reports and expert salons for Pernod Ricard’s Breakthrough Innovation Group (B.I.G.)

ReD Associates| Copenhagen | 09.12 – 3.13
Ethnographic Researcher at a social-science based innovation and strategy consultancy

Global leader in Wine & Spirits | 2012
Ethnographic research in Brazil and US + synthesis of primary research data from the US, Brazil, South Korea, Japan, China, Nigeria and Russia to understand female empowerment in the 21st century. Ethnographic research, Workshop facilitation. CX strategy